Due to my grueling schedule of world class scuba diving and seven course meals here in Micronesia, I’ve only just learned that nominations for the annual Travvies blog awards opened last week! There’s only one more week to nominate me! Run, run!!!
For the second year in a row, the Travvies are being run by Upgrade: Travel Better, which is good news, because that means he can’t be nominated and boy do I hate competition.
If there’s any doubt about how to nominate me as much as possible, please read the rules. Otherwise, please feel free to stuff the ballot box for me in the following two categories:
Best Travel Blog
Best Single-Author Travel Blog
Now I lavishly whored myself out last year for the Travvies and I was handily defeated by some yahoo calling himself ‘The Cranky Flier’. My loathing for him would be all consuming if he didn’t turn out to be a really nice guy. God, I hate nice guys. So difficult to loathe…
So seeing as how Cranky is already dominating the nominations, and he’s still flush with pride from having been recently named as one of the ’50 most powerful blogs in the universe’ or some such ego-trip, I think it’s time to take this guy down a few pegs. In the nicest possible way. Love you, Brett! You jackhole.
So please take 30 seconds out of your busy blog reading schedule to nominate me for both the Best Travel Blog and the Best Single-Author Travel Blog categories. In fact, I’ll make it easier for you and not run this post over 1000 words like usual, so you’ll have several spare minutes to nominate me and any other blogs you see fit while you’re at it. Except that Cranky guy.
Oh, he’s a little cranky, is he? Buddy, I’m full-on pissed off! Put that in your carryon bag and stow it!!
Sadly, this is only the beginning. After the nomination phase, there’s final voting phase, so I’m afraid I’ll be bugging you about this again soon. Think of it this way, the sooner you nominate me, the longer it’ll be before you have to go back and vote for me. See how easy I’m making it for you? One might even say I’m saint-like if one didn’t already know that I’m on the Vatican’s blacklist. Popes are so sensitive sometimes.
Bring it, battery boy. I’m going to beat you so bad this year that you’re going to find that being a pedestrian in Bucharest would be more pleasant.
(How’s my smack talk? Decent?)
cranky flier has his own merchandise shop?when are you going to set one up?(oh,man i know i’m going to regret this question…)
I don’t know Crank, you still sound like deep down you’re really nice. Leave the smack talk to us Very Critical professionals. And you’d be doing me a huge favor if you could stop posting almost every day. You’re making me look bad. Take a long vacation. Like maybe a month. Drinks are on me.
Elfin – Hmmmm…. Killing Batteries temporary tattoos sounds appealing, no?
Fine, be that way. I am heading down to Macchu Picchu at the end of April, so you’ll have a week and a half to catch up. What’s your address so I can send the bar tab to you when I return?
Cranky – If I weren’t writing this from a gorgeous seaside resort on Saipan, I’d have to get all wretchedly jealous about that Macchu Picchu trip.
I’ll vote for you Leif… what do I get in return?
Katie – You can sleep better knowing now that you have made the world a better place. And I’ll thank you in the next LP for all that Rom info. :)
Okay, I read some of the others, and you’re still the best.
You’re not just on the Vatican’s black list.
About a week ago the gov’t of China, in the face of very bad media coverage, temporarily suspended its filters. For the first time ever, you can access the BBC, the CBC, French newspapers… even Playboy! Whoa!
Even wikipedia says that on March 31st internet censorship was suspended.
There is however one website left which has been judged so detrimental to the health of Chinese society that its blocking has not been removed.
Leif’s travel blog.
And you know what I did?
I bought a VPN service for $39.99 and now I can read Leif’s posts again. With impunity. In your face, Beijing!
KB – as I am new to this travel writing blogging-thingie and you are my first (real travel writer, that is) that I put on my blogroll, you will get my vote. But I also had to throw my name in (is there a newbie category?) as no one else certainly would have reason to.
While it wasn’t exactly an exhaustive study, after glancing at many travel of the travel blogs on the Travvies site, most of which I have never seen before, I found many travel GUIDEBOOK blogs but very few travel WRITING blogs, in the tradition of Tim Cahill.
Yes, you’re a little rougher around the edges than Cahill, at least your FUN to read.
If I want a motel or restaurant recommendation I’ll go to Rick Steves.
There must be more out there like your site (and mine, of course), mustn’t there be?!?