Remember these blogs?
How Conor is Spending All His Money (later called Conor’s Mildly Thrilling Tales)
The Great Wallnut
I remember them fondly. They were the first travel blogs I read, way back during travel blogging’s Bronze Age (2003-06).
I started this blog in February 2006. It was originally called “Every Notable Patch of Grass in Romania,” my account of being a new Lonely Planet author setting out on my first guidebook research gig in Romania (and Moldova). Since then, it has staggered, weaved and passed out on the couch in its underwear over the years before settling into its current incarnation: a largely aimless outlet for creativity, personal amusement, occasional shameless self-promotion and documenting the copious injustices I routinely suffer.
Before this blog, while I was feverishly traveling from 2003-05, using a rudimentary HTML template, I kept what can now only be described as a lavishly self-indulgent travelogue that covered 30 countries, the entirety of which galloped on for a cumulative 315,000 words – the equivalent of a 1,260 page book.
(In my humble defense, the absurd length and detail was largely for my personal recollection and, I fancied, to someday use as a source for writing what I was sure would be several dozen award-winning newspaper articles. This was before I realized that newspapers have no interest in award-winning travel articles if they aren’t about four-day weekend getaways within a three hour drive.)
Now as my 17 or so regular readers will confirm, I’m a bit of a curmudgeon, if by ‘curmudgeon’ you mean judgy, opinionated, impatient, easily irritated, sometimes unfair, and only remorseful during epic hangovers. However, I’m also nostalgic, and lately I’ve been increasingly wistful for the early days of on-the-road travel blogging.
Far be it from me to tell people how they should blog, as there’s a place for every kind of blogging and blogger (even if it’s Hell), but I ache for the era, a mere five years ago, when the actual craft of writing not only meant something but was a deciding factor for a blog’s success or failure.
There were no podcasts, ebooks, newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg, SEO manipulation, videos or even an overabundance of pictures back in those days. Bloggers drew their audiences purely on the strength of their writing, because, well, there was little else to judge. But the fact remains that as travel blogging turned into a multimedia, often vacuous, commentary-driven, deluge of hastily written link bait, the desire to write (or read) more than a few hundred well-crafted words disappeared with it. This is understandable as blogs and bloggers are now largely judged on page views, subscribers, Twitter Klout and other tedious criteria that has almost nothing to do with quality of content, so why mis-allocate the effort?
Much like Andrew Mueller’s grousing over the devolving of print travel writing, it feels like the blame for the stupidification of travel blogging can be partly assigned to the readers. Agonizingly crafted, lilting, evocative text (i.e. paragraphs that exceed four lines) is all too often disregarded by over-caffeinated readers with chronic, left-click finger spasms who drift toward slap-dash lists, how-to drivel and single-celled generalizations that can be absorbed in no more than a minute or two. Much of this material is written in a hurry, without regard for creativity, voice, structure, grammar or even spelling. With a few notable exceptions, the evocative narrative is all but dead and too many bloggers are trying to jump the shark too quickly from proper travel blogging to personal branding, marketing, monetization and insta-fame.
Of the independent blogs that one can name off the top of their head, precious few are readable, and fewer still are genuine, on-the-road travel blogs. So, I’ve taken a few indulgent days to solicit, read and appraise those that are and I’d like to share a few of my favorites. This list is not remotely comprehensive and is in fact largely based on suggestions from people over Twitter and Facebook (ironically). I wholeheartedly welcome you to contribute additional suggestions for blogs – worthy of reading – in the comments.
• Legal Nomads – Jodi has achieved the increasingly difficult trick of cultivating a strong following using only sharp, articulate essays and pictures. Hot topics include the 2010 Bangkok protests, her exhaustive travels in Burma and how her head has an invisible bull’s-eye that can only be detected by birds with overflowing colons.
• Uncornered Market – Audrey and Daniel have been prolifically blogging their world travels since December 2006. They do an excellent job of balancing engrossing narrative, travel tips, practicalities, slideshows and the occasional, forgivable list, all done in admirably digestible posts.
• The Big Africa Cycle – Peter Gostelow is valiantly documenting his bike journey from England to South Africa, while raising money for the Against Malaria Foundation. He shares dependably great pictures and intimate details of the adventure. The archive of his previous adventure, The Long Ride Home, his 50,000km bike journey from Japan to England, though not too pretty to gaze upon, is still available.
• Nerd’s Eye View – Pam Mandel is not currently on the road, though she was when she started blogging back in December 2004 and still travels frequently, so I’m grandfathering her in. With consistently strong writing and all the “contrarian”, oddball fun stuff to keep a loyal following, she encapsulates exactly what old school travel blogging was about. Her recent post Eight Bad Habits of (This) Highly Unsuccessful Blogger(s) spoke to me as I’m committing virtually all the same errors, but she still somehow has 3,248,642 more readers than I do, so she must be doing something right.
• Trail of Ants – Ant Stone has been documenting his start-stop backpacking since April 2007. Though he dabbles with a variety of multi-media, he’s been careful to maintain a high level of engaging writing. I’ll be inviting Ant to join my crack team of vigilantes, the Legion of Pissed-Off Bloggers Against Lazy Writing (cape and boots not provided), based on his post Ten of the Most Misused Words on Travel Blogs.
Thanks for the inclusion, Leif. My writing is always my number one focus, and always will be. I started reading travel blogs for the same reasons as you, to be moved by emotive and compelling travel writing.
I feel it’s becoming harder to find these days; not because there’s less of it, but because it’s being slowly crowded out by the “Get Rich Quick” brigade.
In the spirit of giving back, I enjoy Thrilling Heroics ( for punchy, evocative writing (though he does weave in “Lifestyle Design” topics, which Cody is also well known for).
´Since then, it has staggered, weaved and passed out on the couch in its underwear´
I hope I can be like you when I grow up :)
I have spent the last few months wading through the muck and mire of travel blogs as I prepare to set off on my own journey, and to be honest I have become disillusioned before I even begin (about blogging during the trip, not about the trip itself). I’m only subscribed to a handful of feeds, three of which are on your list. Thank you for confirming I’m not the only cranky reader out there in search of quality content.
Thanks for including me in your list, Leif. I know you’re a tough critic and it’s a big compliment that I made the cut!
I’d also suggest While Out Riding ( I met Cass when a homeless man threw up on my foot in Bangkok (true story. Cass was sitting next to me and how can you NOT be friends after this happens?!), and this beautiful blog details his bike ‘ride’ from Alaska to Mexico and beyond. His photography is breathtaking and he’s sarcastic as hell so I thoroughly enjoy every word.
Seeing “Conor’s Mildly Thrilling Tales” at the top of this post made me smile. He was one of the first people I met when Dan and I moved to Prague at the end of 2001. Funny to think back.
Thanks again for including us on this list – we’re so glad there are still a few people out there who still have the attention span to read 2,000 words and enjoy a good narrative. It’s can be challenging to find you at times.
As someone who’s been blogging since 2004, I concur heartily–but then as I become a quicker-clicker, I can’t really criticize others for not reading long stuff online. I look back and read my long posts, with no photos, and _I_ like reading them, but it pains me to think how out of fashion they are.
My blog is largely passed out on the couch these days, except when I rouse myself to post some pics from my trips. This is mostly because I write more for a living, and I don’t want to give the milk away for free (to mix some metaphors). And it’s just because people like pretty pictures.
I read something somewhere (classic vague web ref) recently about how the internet revolution is not that everyone can publish, but that everyone can find out what people are interested in through metrics, and cater to them. So if we have a totally dumbed-down blogosphere now, it’s the readers’ fault, and the writers, for catering to them.
All _that_ said, I’m adding some of these blogs to my reader–I might just get back in the habit of reading long things online…it’s so retro!
@Ant – Very happy to have had the opportunity to dig through your blog.
@Jasmine – Step 1: acquire functional couch. Step 2: acquire underwear. The rest is pretty much automatic.
@Casey – Judging from all the rhetoric I’ve seen this month, it appears there’s a cranky reader Renaissance afoot. I doubt there will ever be a huge movement back toward quality content, but perhaps a small rebel alliance? With behind-the-scenes help from a wily, three-wheeled android?
@Jodi – Thanks for the referral. How is it you have so many stories where you end up being soiled by humans/animals? Uncanny.
@Audrey – Yeah, between Conor’s and Daniel’s blogs, I was dying to get to Asia. Wonderful stuff.
@Zora – I do the same thing. My early posts were ridiculously long. Strangely, I got more comments and feedback (and offers for paying work) way back then. Though there was far less blogging competition and I was posting more regularly. Sigh.
A belated and very geezer-ly thanks for including me in your list! I’ll join your rebel alliance for writers, as soon as I’m done telling those damn kids to get off my lawn. Seriously, that’s kind of how I feel about “Bloggers” with a capitol “B”.
I’ve been enjoying [] Traveling Savage and [] Bear Shaped Sphere to name two folks who can write a sentence without giving a second thought to keywords, and you’ve named a few of my favorites above. I’m honored to be in their company.
Now, if you need me, I’ll be loading my shotgun and taking aim at the new school web from my porch.
Before blogging—and probably before most of your readers—were born, I got hooked on reading about travel from Outside Magazine (when it used to be good), and specifically, Tim Cahill, who wrote evocative stories, without pictures. You didn’t need them.
While I have eschewed any form of ads, I have played the SEO “name game” to attract readers and have mostly gone to shorter pieces with (I hope) cleverly crafted pictures and graphics, not that it has done any good. I only wish I had 17 regular readers.
Ironically, before I found this post from you (I have mostly gone to reading your tweets, which is even a less lengthy form of writing) I attempted to write an “old school” travel piece.
I could probably count the number of people who read it from start-to-finish on one hand—with fingers left over.
Oh, well. Until my fantasy become fulfilled, where a print travel magazine comes-a-calling for my work, I will try to emulate your alcohol-fueled, self-deprecating, snarky humor writing style to fulfill my ego that I am a travel writer.
BTW, I love that this particular post of yours is bracketed with Google ads for “Get your blog noticed,” and “Advertising with blogs.”
This is a really great list. Thank you for introducing me to some of these folks (others I read already).
I love writing that is, well, crafted, personal — writing, rather than blogging. But it would appear I’m in a minority for much of the time.
Oooh, Leif, I’d forgotten how much I love your freakin’ writing. The laughter this induced was good for the soul, but the coffee I snarfed out my nose was not.
Bump your number up to 18, brotha, one of your old school readers is back in the fold! :~)
(And shite, I’d also forgotten about the downed website…I’ll try and get on that…)
Thanks for this. I agree, I like WRITING, rather than what passes as writing on the internet a lot of the time. I always say I am a travel writer first, and a travel blogger second. I probably sacrifice audience numbers and traffic but I feel satisfied when I hit PUBLISH — and that’s what’s important to me!
aka Breathedreamgo
I have been reading Jodi’s blog for a while now. It was a nice list, though. I’ve added the other blogs you mentioned on things I would checkout. Thanks.