Category Archives: Romania
My totally arbitrary, random list of Romania raves for 2009
I got a teensy weensy bit of good press in Romania last week. Typically when I get called out by the Romanian media, I’m being harangued by someone who has uncovered years old information, skimmed parts of it, absorbed almost none of it, then written a lengthy rebuttal where I’m…
Romania 2009
I’m off to Romania tomorrow for four weeks and two days of beautiful, summertime, LP research. That’s right, seven days a week, 14 hours a day of pure driving adrenalin, no meaningful conversations and going to bed at 9:45pm. Dude, I am going to have so much… ibuprofen. I know…
Romania’s neo-Nazis slam unruly guidebook writer
There have been few moments in my life that I was more proud of myself than last week when I was denounced and attacked with unimaginative insults by Altermedia, Romania’s neo-Nazi online misinformation delivery vehicle. Having lost representation in Romania’s parliament due to their dwindling numbers (roughly 12), it seems…
Romania/Moldova lists
As with my Tuscany lists, I’m doing a random (yet totally definitive and quote-worthy) best/worst overview of this summer’s research trips to Romania and Moldova. One all-encompassing word of warning to start, do not travel here in July or August. Romania has already begun to mirror Western Europe in that…
Preview of Round 2 in Romania
Tomorrow I fly back to Romania for the second time in three months like a jet-setting badass to complete my LP guidebook research, wallow in the fame of being a travel writing all-star, beat off amorous groupies with my medical burro riding crop and sleep soundly every night with the…
Go to Romania (Part 1)
Though my Romania research is only a little more than half completed (I return July 9th for three more weeks on the road), I’m long overdue for a positive post about this country just to pacify those of you that are undoubtedly wondering why I keep coming here. Lists are…
Bucharest Notes – Awful, but less awful than expected
Bucharest was pretty dreadful, but I’ve had worse. Naples comes to mind – and that hellhole Andorra la Vella. Or that time in Los Angeles, when I drove from UCLA to Orange County… Nevertheless, I won’t be buying property in Bucharest soon or even investing in a 10-ride metro card….
When next we speak, I’ll be on Romania time
Actually, I don’t really have anything else to say to you guys. I board a flight in just over 24 hours and as soon as I touch the ground in Bucharest, I’ll be a blur of over-Red Bulled, under-rested, stress-addled, bilingual jabbering motion for the next four weeks. I could…
Anthony Bourdain makes clusterf*ck visit to Romania
If you missed it, you can check this page for the rerun schedule, but I’ll save you the suspense and tell you that Anthony’s trip to Romania was pitifully conceived, planned and executed. Among other things, totally avoidable eff-ups included: • Rather than contacting me, he let his bumbling Russian…
My Bloody Romania begins…
Folks, my deluge of Romania travel posts on has begun today with this post. Again, I should be posting 3-5 times a week for the next four weeks or so. Set your feeds accordingly and leave a ton of comments so the other writers feel unpopular and wretchedly envy.
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