I’m often reverently described as a modern Renaissance Man, to which I always answer, ‘Damn straight, mom!” So in case any of you were curious about what the 2008 version of a Renaissance Man looks like, I present you with the following evidence.
First, going straight to Renaissance Ground Zero, the long awaited video where I semi-coherently describe Florence:
Of course, no Renaissance Man is complete without some sort of circus skill, so here’s a video of me doing what we in juggling refer to as ‘passing clubs’. (there’s several guys in this video, I’m the cutest one, obviously):
Finally, lest any of you forget, I make a mean omelet:
Holy cow, that juggling is insane! I can’t juggle at all, so seeing all of that was mind-blowing! I didn’t know that you could do all of that! I’ve seen the omelet and the florence ones already, but seriously, I never thought that sort of juggling was possible! Kind of reminded me of hackeysac, but with more objects to juggle and it looked way more difficult. And, while I rock at hackeysac, I don’t think I could ever do anything at that degree of difficulty! So much to keep track of! How do you do it?
all that for this???
Great, now I’m just hungry and insanely jealous of your gleaming kitchen. Thanks a lot.
Nice video.
But anyone hoping to find that amphitheater-shaped piazza in Florence is going to be pretty disappointed lol
Mary – That is the result of 26 years of spent free time. You could probably be just as good after only 5-8 years though, assuming you’re a teenager who has never kissed anyone of the opposite sex. I hate those damn quick learners.
Evan- Dude, after all that farting around get the blogs straightened out, I didn’t have the time or strength to write a proper post. Next week.
Aubrey – Sadly, that was my *old* kitchen. I’ve moved since then and my new kitchen is this sorry little thing, shoehorned into the corner of my cozy condo. It has everything I need, but roomy and gleaming it ain’t.
JX – Arg!! You’re right!! Dammit! I’ve sent an email to LP.tv. Maybe they can clean it up. Of course, now hundreds of people have seen it and are probably getting all geared up for a lunch in Florence, hoping to get a seat in Siena’s Piazza del Campo. That’ll be an unpleasant surprise.
That juggling is fantastic! I love how you basically just move your arms, and the rest of your body stays still, like “la la la, I just happen to be catching and throwing clubs here, no big deal, just something to do.” Makes it seem effortless!
I bet you hired Dreamworks or Pixar to just draw all those clubs while you and your friends just stood there moving your EMPTY hands :)
To me, a simple Moldovan guy, seeing an “egg beaters” is equal to seeing Leeloo stick a tiny pill into the microwave and get out a whole chicken! Of course, I live in a third world country…
Leif – Unfortunately, only one of those assumptions is incorrect. I happen to be 20.