Dear Tesla, I’m your CEO now
Greetings dead-eyed Tesla people who are still working there for some reason, Based on what I’m seeing in the news, it’s become painfully apparent that your CEO, Elon “Mush” Musk, has joined Gen Z in the so-called “quiet quitting” trend. Just like his whole career, he’s just gonna adopt something…
What I’ve learned about long-term disability insurance providers
Now that the UnitedHealthcare guy is in custody and the bizarre celebration of murder has died down, I’d like to talk about ERISA (long-term disability benefits) denials and the horrifying lengths insurance providers will go to deny people lifesaving care, while raking in billions in profit each year. Over the…
Saving the World on $50 a Day is out now!
Friends, this poor, neglected, repeatedly rebooted and then abandoned blog is a certified mess. But! It still comes in handy for days like today. I’m thrilled beyond words, except for these words here, to announce the release of my first work of long-form fiction, Saving the World on $50 a…
World Dracula Day – New Dracula book trailer
Happy World Dracula Day (May 26th) to those who celebrate! On this most solemn of occasions, isn’t it time you learned the horrifying, true history of Vlad “The Impaler” Dracula, who somehow managed to be a psychopath and a national hero? (Hint: The answer is “yes.”) Buy or gift Backpacking…
Coin Hunt World – Legit? Fun? My impressions after two weeks of playing
I’m naturally a suspicious person. I like my paranoia like I like my jalapenos: Just enough to burn a little. So, when a buddy told me about something called “Coin Hunt World”, all my scam alarms rang. Free cryptocurrency to play the equivalent of Pokemon Go? There’s no way that’s…
Blogger writes clickbait response to clickbait and you won’t believe what happens next
Debateably famous travel blogger Leif Pettersen, best known for his tireless perseverance in the face of having no idea what’s he’s doing, banged out a scathing response to clickbait that he clicked on and immediately regretted earlier this week. Pettersen seems to have taken issue with the body of the…
Adventures in press trips: Best press trip ever in Colorado
After the tale of the fun, but sadly un-pitchable group press trip around Baden-Württemberg, Germany, I thought I’d follow it up with one of the best press trips of my entire life: a solo road trip stopping at some of the best places to visit in Colorado, with a focus…
A serious SEO overview, seriously
So you read my guide on how to set up a travel blog, did all that work exactly as I described it, and now you would like people who are not your mom or significant other to read it? In that case, you’ll need a serious SEO overview and you’ve…
Will travel be normal in 2022?
We’re taking a(nother) break from our regularly scheduled goofballery this week to answer the pressing question: “Will travel return to normal in 2022?” Regular readers of this blog will know that I don’t write consumer travel content very often. It’s just not my thing. What’s my thing? Thank you for…
Adventures in press trips: German RV travel and wine tasting combo
Sixteen ill-equipped travel journalists drive nine, massive campervans in a convoy of RV travel around southern Germany. Travel journalists are frequently called upon to partake in new and strange activities while on press trips – and sometimes, when temporary insanity strikes, while on vacation. In more than a decade of…
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