Category Archives: Travel Writing
Patience my pet
Rumor has it that patience is a virtue. Whatever jackhole said that wasn’t waiting to hear back on their book deal. Yes, it’s out there. I may have a book deal some time soon. Or later. Or maybe never. Such is the unending complexity of the publishing world and why…
I am the walrus
I had my very first Travel Writer Rock Star Moment recently, which is similar to a genuine Rock Star Moment except there’s slightly less ear-piercing screaming, clothes and locks of hair being torn off and running for one’s life, escaping in a waiting limo with Kate Moss drunk in the…
Lonely Planet author workshop, San Francisco
Did I mention that I was being flown from Paris to San Francisco to attend a Lonely Planet author workshop where I’d indulge in free food and wine and be fawned over by colleagues and groupies? Well, obviously I’ve mentioned it, but have I mention it recently? So yeah, after…
The sickening power of the guidebook author
Guidebook authors can’t brag about much. When you’re on the road, it’s a solitary, sub-budget, exhausting existence. When you’re not on the road it’s a solitary, sub-budget, tedious existence. Broadly, the main perks of this career path can be narrowed down to three categories; 1) The freedom and giddying uniqueness of…
Newbie mistake – fear the word count! Fear it!!
If you’re just joining us, you might be interested to know that I’m long-winded and I don’t care. That is, I didn’t care until I decided to ‘moonlight’ in guidebook writing. Up to that point, I had managed to consistently find (or be found by) gigs where word count limits…
Every notable patch of grass in Kiev
I’m finally back from Kiev. Actually, I’ve been back for two days, but I’ve been occupied with the Cricova champaign that I brought back (and the brain damaging aftereffects). Aside from being targeted for a lamely executed tourist scam and spending part of my time in a hostel with no…
I’m in today’s New York Times
The guy didn’t use the headline I suggested (‘Beckham Look-a-Like Brings Travel Writing World to its Knees’), but nevertheless I appear in New York Times in a story about guidebook writers. Unfortunately, you have to register with the nytimes site to view anything past the first two lines. Copyright prevents…
The delicate art of asking for free crap
You may be surprised to hear that travel writing has a seedy underside. Quite often, almost routinely in fact (when you’re not working for Lonely Planet), travel writers are given a free room, meal or service, with an accompanying wink, on the condition that they compose glowing praise for whatever…
What Color Is Your Jockstrap?
Alert the international press! My long awaited second appearance in book print has finally occurred with the release of What Color Is Your Jockstrap?, the latest in a series of travel humour anthologies by tireless editor and poker socialite Jen Leo. This was the first Leo venture to allow submissions from…
In your face word count demons!!!
That’s right, I mounted those word count demons, rode them like a drunken camel and prevailed! (With careful guidance from my editor, of course). Thus concludes my duties with the Romania and Moldova chapters for Europe on a Shoestring 5 and Eastern Europe 9. Jesus does it feel good to…
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