Category Archives: The more you know
IMPORTANT NEWS regarding the latest US immigration protocols
US immigration gets an upgrade (read, stupider than ever) Since 2010, in addition to many fine programs, the fledgling Brand USA (aka the Travel Promotion Act), “dedicated to increasing inbound international travel to the United States,” has spent untold millions of dollars making US immigration procedures quicker and simpler. While…
Don’t look mom: Countries where you’re most likely to be kidnapped
Someone, probably an vengeful orphan, decided to ruin it for the rest of us and break down the popular travel countries where people are most likely to be kidnapped. Thanks a lot asswipe! Why the hell would you put something like this out there for anyone’s mom to easily find…
Tourist walks off pier while checking Facebook, can’t swim, saves phone
People arguing that smartphones distract too much from absorbing new experiences while traveling have just gotten themselves and new poster girl. A Taiwanese tourist had to be plucked out of Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne after walking off St Kilda’s pier while engrossed in something undoubtedly super important that was…
Zombie survival tip: How to open a can without a can opener [VIDEO]
Here’s a neat Zombie Apocalypse survival party trick when you need to open a can without a can opener. Just picture it: Everyone is about to die of starvation, or seriously considering cannibalism, while helplessly looking at the wall of perfectly edible canned goods and the can opener that Steve,…
Sometimes when you screw with a scary bug, they screw back
There’s no such thing as too many travel tips. This one, for example: Don’t mess with a scary bug, particularly when they’re found in exotic places like the scary bug carnival that is Australia or, in this case, India. Some exchange students found this scary bug outside their classroom, decided…
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