Goodbye ENPoGiR, hello Killing Batteries – A blog re-launch

The good people at BootsnAll, this blog’s host, took pity on the dull and generic appearance of ‘Every Notable Patch of Grass in Romania’ and offered to spruce it up for me on the condition that I dismantle my shrine to Chris and stop pestering his mother about his shoe size and blood type.

That done, please allow me to re-introduce this blog: Killing Batteries (dot com). 

Check this out; I got a new banner courtesy of the Bootz Graphic Design Team, a domain name (my first) and sooner or later I’m gonna get my hands on some wicked blog publishing software that I intend to play with obnoxiously as soon as I finish cutting 6,000 words from a disastrously over-length guidebook manuscript, which shall remain nameless, but rhymes with ‘Bonley Janet’.

I’m more than a little excited about this and I’m sure there’s palpable relief on the BnA side of things as well.  I mean really, the old blog was more homely than a 16 year old Dacia.  I was too lazy and artistically incompetent to beautify it myself and besides, I was too busy to think about it while duly annihilating the word count on the aforementioned manuscript.

In fact, this is the second time the charitable Bootz Boyz (and Girl) have offered this service to me.  The first time I was pretty sure my blogging days were numbered and I didn’t want all the fuss over a blog I intended to abandon after only four months.  But this is just too fun to give up.  And I have nine die hard readers, three of which are actually outside of my immediate family, who might be heart-broken if I quit now. 

Thus, my current calling on this earth is clear; write about being a homeless, nascent travel writer, lugging a debilitating sack of battery-driven tech around the world, without which I’d be biblically screwed and instead be one of those eccentric weirdos street performing on the Ramblas in Barcelona.  Or something more succinct.  Editors?

Thank you for visiting and/or your continued readership.  I will do my best to not suck and provide insight into this low paying, exhausting, yet bizarrely fulfilling journey.