Category Archives: Travel

Top least awful travel Twitter personalities in recorded history (so far)

Oh, look! Another voter-driven, who-to-follow travel Twitter list! So, here’s the fundamental problem with these voter-driven lists: they’re far more reflective of existing popularity and the willingness to campaign by the contenders than appreciable talent. Sure, voter-driven Top Whatever lists serve a vaguely useful purpose, even if that purpose is…

The most important travel safety video you’ll ever watch

Pretty self-explanatory. If you can’t see the video or if YouTube is blocking it in your country, try here.

A traveler’s guide to coping with detainment and bribery

This is a follow-up to my guide to coping with arrest while abroad. Far less disturbing than being arrested while abroad, but statistically more probable, is being detained for a minor or non-existent violation and being intimidated into bribing your way out of the situation. Coping with detainment and bribery…

Arrested Abroad – What happens and what are your options?

[International readers: though the information about being arrested abroad presented here was written for an American audience, I hope you’ll find some portions of general interest.] Before I get started, I’d like to unequivocally state, for both the readers and the person that originally suggested that I write this piece,…

Breaking news: legendary travel writer decides to travel “just because”

As my ragtag little group of Twitter followers already know, I am leaving in less than a week for a five week trip through Thailand and Burma. I am not taking this trip for an assignment or for research. This trip is what I believe normal humans refer to as…

Don’t leave home without your Lonely Planet

Last week, I got into a “Twitter Tiff” (copyright me 2008) with long-haul traveler and photography phenom Gary Arndt over the following tweet, which I sent out while gripped in jabbering frustration over a spate of recent blog posts ripping people that carry a guidebook when they travel: I declare…

The Definitive Guide to Hostel Etiquette

I’ve been inspired by last week’s list to make another list. Normally, I’m not a list guy. I just don’t do it. I can barely get it together to make a grocery list (e.g. yesterday I forgot mayo and contact lens solution), much less an authoritative, trustworthy list for public…

The Tuscany lists

As promised, my “Best/Worst of Tuscany” and “What Happened?” lists. Best/Worst of Tuscany • Best drive: People, it’s all good, assuming you’re in the passenger seat. If not, count on pulling over a lot for photo sessions. No need to signal, just stomp on the brakes. The 12 Italians tailgating…

The delicate art of not getting effed-up lost

I used to think that I was pretty damn amazing with my skills at direction and orientation. I always knew precisely where I was and the absolute best way to get to where I was going. Of course, this was because I lived in South Minneapolis, an Eden of grid-pattered,…

Remember how I said I wouldn’t step foot in Romania for at least a year?

Guess what?  I’m going to Romania next week. Don’t worry, I’m not staying for long.  I’m not completely backing down from the vow I announced in August, made at the urging of my lawyer, psychotherapy team and concerned parties at the American Embassy in Bucharest.  Also, my dietitian said I…

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