Category Archives: Humor

A serious SEO overview, seriously

So you read my guide on how to set up a travel blog, did all that work exactly as I described it, and now you would like people who are not your mom or significant other to read it? In that case, you’ll need a serious SEO overview and you’ve…

A serious guide on how to behave on fam trips, seriously

fam trips meal

One of the many dazzling enticements for getting into travel media is the idea of jetting around the world in luxurious style for free. The industry term for these free or sponsored trips is “fam trips,” A.K.A. “familiarization trips.” But those of us that have been on a bunch of…

Olympic sports that are easier than an average juggling act

Did you hear that? That was the sound of my EEG going haywire. I get triggered during every summer Olympics by what sports are and aren’t part of the games. The ho-hum legacy Olympic sports that are still included are one thing (humans hate breaking tradition), but a handful of…

Humor writing: An introduction to writing more funnier word sentences

And we’re back! This post is going to be a more useful, less goofball update to my original humor writing post from 10 years ago(!), called “How to write funny shit for your blog.” What makes me qualified to talk about humor writing in an authoritative manner? Pardon the humble-brag,…

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