Alert the international press! My long awaited second appearance in book print has finally occurred with the release of What Color Is Your Jockstrap?, the latest in a series of travel humour anthologies by tireless editor and poker socialite Jen Leo.
This was the first Leo venture to allow submissions from the hairier gender and I leapt at the opportunity, submitting a diced up version of my laugh-riot essay Clean Underwear: Or the Secret to Backpacker Ecstasy. I imagined that this was a killer pitch, what with Miss Leo’s inordinate fixation with undergarments. Unfortunately, as the edited piece did not include any actual references to a destination, public embarrassment or out-of-control bodily functions, she passed. Not having anything more appropriate on hand and being swamped with other duties, I did not re-pitch. Nevertheless, a contract eventually arrived requesting permission to use an excerpt of the already concise piece.
So, I’m in there somewhere, albeit briefly, and despite not appearing in the table of contents I’m mighty proud. Looking at the list of contributors it should be a smashing read, one which I will not be able to enjoy myself until I find the time and funds to fly home to Minneapolis, where my copy awaits.
If someone locates a copy, please report back about how hilarious I am.
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