Don’t look mom: Countries where you’re most likely to be kidnapped

Someone, probably an vengeful orphan, decided to ruin it for the rest of us and break down the popular travel countries where people are most likely to be kidnapped. Thanks a lot asswipe!

Why the hell would you put something like this out there for anyone’s mom to easily find when they’ve announced their next trip? Do I tell your mom every time you regain consciousness from a big night out and race off to the urgent care office at the sex clinic?

Per the troublemaker’s article: “Public policy groups estimate there were more than 100,000 kidnappings around the world last year, including locals and foreigners.” Top travel/kidnap destinations included Mexico, India (!?), Colombia and the Philippines. Honorable mentions goes to Brazil and Kenya.

Here it is presented in a handy map, in case your mom isn’t a fan of reading, otherwise the kidnapping situation for each country is duly reported in wretched detail.