Is this morphing, adjustable width bench the future of air travel?

Forgetting for a moment that this animation, and absence of foam, makes these seats look awfully unforgiving, I still have a few reservations with “Morph,” a highly adjustable airplane seating concept. Briefly, Morph essentially makes each row of seats into an adjustable width bench, allowing people to buy as much…

Watch a travel writer interview a space traveler, jam together

I was transfixed by Chris Hadfield’s series of videos from the International Space Station, demonstrating sleeping in space, what happens when you cry in space, and the geekiest thing that ever happened, chatting with William Shatner. Then, of course, one of the top 10 moments in the history of the…

Ridiculous OkCupid date goes for 21 days, eight countries, no luggage

“First Date” by Craig Damlo One time, I went on an OkCupid date that ended with me receiving Reiki on my injured wrist in lieu of a kiss. That’s it. That’s my weirdest story. (Though I imagine my dates probably have a thing or two to tell you.) Clara Benson’s…

Watch 873 people evacuate an Airbus A380 in 77 seconds

I can’t decide if this is amazing or terrifying. Either way, it’s good to know it’s physically possible. The US Federal Aviation Administration and the European Aviation Safety Agency require all aircraft with a seating capacity of 45 or more to demonstrate a full evacuation in under 90 seconds. Back…

You’ll want to visit China after watching this stirring timelapse video

China has never been high on my travel wish list for a variety of reasons I won’t bore you with. And being as inherently aesthetically pleasing as they are, I’m pretty sure that a timelapse video of a donkey’s butt would look great if done correctly. That said, W-O-W. This…

Sometimes when you screw with a scary bug, they screw back

There’s no such thing as too many travel tips. This one, for example: Don’t mess with a scary bug, particularly when they’re found in exotic places like the scary bug carnival that is Australia or, in this case, India. Some exchange students found this scary bug outside their classroom, decided…

Travel safety: What happens when you get dehydrated? It ain’t pretty

Travelers in certain parts of the world are usually well aware of the importance of staying hydrated. But sometimes dehydration sneaks up on you. Once, while on a punishing guidebook research trip to Moldova during a heat wave, even though I was drinking tons of water, my sodium levels got…

Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit and run driver caught on tape in Chicago

When it comes to inept drivers, Russia may have the quantity, but the good ol’ USA still has the quality. The story goes, a 19-year-old in Chicago allegedly (I have to say that, despite overwhelming evidence) driving a stolen car, got himself into a wee bit of trouble when, to…

Silvio Berlusconi, asshat, says his kids feel like Jews under Hitler

Even after having spent so much time living and traveling in Italy, I’m still completely baffled as to why Silvio Berlusconi, ex-prime minister, media mogul and bunga bunga party master isn’t: A)    In jail. B)    In crazy jail. C)    In crazy jail on the Moon where there’s no chance of…

Venezuelan crowded subway etiquette is a little frightening [VIDEO]

Take the crush of humanity in the Tokyo subway and the lawlessness of the New York subway, put them in a blender and you get this crowded subway video from Venezuela. Hang on to your jaw before you hit “play,” because it’s about to drop onto your keyboard. This bonkers…

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