Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so here’s a red panda break dancing with a pumpkin

Can you remember the last time you had this much fun? Of course not! It’s not humanly possible! Red pandas on the other hand do not play by the same rules as us self-conscious humans, so we have to be satisfied with just enviously watching this unbridled joy. If your…

Luxury slum resort allows people to experience poor people culture, kinda

This, amazingly, is a real thing. Shanty Town at Emoya Luxury Hotel and Spa outside Bloemfontein, South Africa gives visitors the opportunity to fulfill their bucket list item of temporarily, safely living like a real life destitute person. For just $82 per night, you too can sleep in a real…

Derpy, inaccessible lights at Heathrow to be replaced by tightrope walkers

Did you know that seemingly smart people can be idiots too? Big time. Like extravagant, breathtaking, galloping idiots. Exhibit A: The derp crew of architects in charge of designing Heathrow Airport’s fancy new Terminal Five were so focused on making their gigantic, light-festooned space that no one stopped for a…

Pissed off, venomous snake on a moving car – aka just another day in Australia

Fair warning: Because this is Australia and because there’s an angry, venomous snake involved, a fair bit of NSFW language slips out in this video. I assume there are other countries where nightmare-bait situations frequently occur, like a dangerous snake appearing out of nowhere on a moving car, but I…

Sicily forecast: Sunny with a light hail of pebbles and rocks [VIDEO]

If you’re considering a trip to northeast Sicily, it might be a good idea to postpone it for a few months. Either that or bring a motorcycle helmet. Judging by this sequence of shots, the area is experiencing a fairly steady shower and accumulation of lava ash, pebbles and rocks….

Here’s how they got that friggin’ huge plane out of that tiny airport [VIDEO]

Plane geeks and travel junkies alike were transfixed by the story of the gargantuan Dreamlifter (a modified, humpback 747-400 passenger airplane that carries more cargo by volume than any airplane in the world) that accidently landed at teensy Jabara Airport in Kansas instead of McConnell Air Force Base, nine miles…

Tasting online could allow virtual global food sampling from home

Imagine it: A few years from now you could have a party where all your guests sit around in a circle and clip electrodes to their genitals which would allow everyone to control who feels what on their… Whoops! Wrong electrodes article!  This is about tasting online, which is actually…

Zoinks! Watch an A380 nearly crash land in a high crosswind

Before we go any further, you must repeat “Flying is the safest way to travel” like 57 times. Done? OK, now hang onto your gonads while you watch this Thai Airways Airbus A380 land while there’s a crosswind of 90 feet (27.4 meters) per second at Japan’s Narita Airport. You’ll…

Aw crap: Someone left $1.1 million in gold bars in an airplane toilet

Either someone has discovered how to shit gold or remarkable hijinks led to $1.1 million worth of gold bars being left behind in a Jet Airways plane toilet in Kolkata, India. The stash was found after the flight arrived from Bangkok by either passengers or a cleaning crew, depending on…

Zombie survival tip: How to open a can without a can opener [VIDEO]

Here’s a neat Zombie Apocalypse survival party trick when you need to open a can without a can opener. Just picture it: Everyone is about to die of starvation, or seriously considering cannibalism, while helplessly looking at the wall of perfectly edible canned goods and the can opener that Steve,…

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