Visit Jordan: ‘Our king may help push your car out of a snow bank!’ [VIDEO]

Those of you who do not eat, drink and breathe travel may have missed the period a while back when Visit Jordan flew in something like 1,274,925 travel bloggers in a year for press trips, which resulted in a deluge of coverage so suffocating that many of us won’t click…

Here’s what holiday shopping in hurricane-force wind looks like [VIDEO]

Us Norwegians are often portrayed as stubborn people. Well, we don’t care what you think and we’re not changing anyway, so shut up. This charming stereotype is hilariously typified in this video of determined shoppers walking/staggering bent at 45 degree angles as they fight through the hurricane-force wind of Storm…

Dirty money: It turns out money is even more disgusting than we thought

Spoiler alert: your hand soap budget is about to increase by a factor of 20. Dirty money, like filthy, is so much worse than we thought. A study done by the now chronic hand washers at the Cork Technology Institute on euro notes and coins found that 97% of the…

Video proof that Germans can’t say the word ‘squirrel’

I’ve always said that Germans are hilarious. Even the word “German” will elicit giggles after you say it 263 times like I did just now. Their comedic genius is that they’re not trying to be funny (sometimes they’re really not trying), they just ARE! Exhibit A: A bunch of Germans…

French café imposes wanker tax to curb customer rudeness

The legendary rudeness of French people is unquestionably overblown. That said, members of Assholes Without Borders can certainly be found in France, just like almost everywhere else, and they need to be stopped. Fabrice Pepino, owner of the Petite Syrah Café in Nice, apparently grew tired of being barked at…

Uruguay legalizes pot, projects 18,284% increase in tourism

The streets of Amsterdam are about to get awfully quiet. Showing infinitely more sense than most “First World” nations’ doomed approach, Uruguay has legalized marijuana in an effort to combat drug trafficking. Also relevant, as anyone who’s ever read a legitimate medical study on cannabis knows, compared to perfectly legal…

Canada moves to claim the North Pole, aka ‘New Toronto’ come 2125

Canada’s economic zone is gonna get a whole lot bigger if their UN request for expanding its continental shelf in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans is approved. The key issue/interest being that as global warming advances north, that area will become viable for new shipping lanes and mineral extraction. Not…

Airline’s amazing stunt delivers holiday cheer to one lucky flight

The first of no doubt many holiday corporate stunt viral videos has dropped and it’s going to be tough to beat. Big time one-upping their flash mob stunt from last year, WestJet channeled the gift-delivering power of Santa to pull off a complex, military precision feat that’s sure to make…

SFO nighttime timelapse video is captivating, because that’s timelapse for ya

If someone has shot a terrible timelapse video, I have yet to see it. They’re just great. All of them. Seriously. Owen Scharlotte proves this incontrovertible rule of the universe with a short video that manages the previously unthinkable trick of making San Francisco International Airport look absolutely mesmerizing. The…

Man takes nap during flight, wakes up in dark, empty, locked airplane

Great to know that yet another formerly irrational travel nightmare is actually possible. During his journey from Louisiana to California via Houston, Tom Wagner, apparently one of the world’s soundest sleepers, decided to rest his eyes for a bit only to wake some time later in an abandoned United Express…

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