Here’s a neat Zombie Apocalypse survival party trick when you need to open a can without a can opener.
Just picture it: Everyone is about to die of starvation, or seriously considering cannibalism, while helplessly looking at the wall of perfectly edible canned goods and the can opener that Steve, useless dingleberry, broke on the second day. Well my friend, you can dazzle your fellow survivors, who would give their best boots for just a taste of tuna, with a trick that will open a can without a can opener!
The secret, as you’ll see in the video below, is concrete and a little elbow grease. When everyone asks why you waited till they were all about to die before showing them the trick, you can demonstrate how to open a can of tuna on their faces. I keed, I keed. The real answer is “showmanship.”
Also you may find it useful to know how to open a can without a can opener while camping.
This video is a bit old, but I seriously just had a zombie nightmare yesterday (fucking “World War Z”), so let’s refresh our survival expertise, shall we?
If your thirst for how-to zombie apocalypse content hasn’t been quenched, and you find yourself trapped in an airport when the shit hits the fan, you can see how to make various explosives with stuff you can acquire AFTER airport security. DISCLAIMER: Do not do anything like this yourself. You’ll go to prison forever.
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