Ever been arrested abroad?

If so, would you care to share the tale?

I’ve been assigned the dubious task of writing an article about what to do if you’re arrested abroad (my editor seemed to think that I’d know a little something about this) and I’d like a few anecdotes to include in the piece.

This is for an American audience, so I can only take submissions from Americans.

I’d like to hear where you were, what happened, how it was resolved and, most importantly, what resources you used to get to that resolution.

Events that occurred in Mexico especially welcome, since that’s (by far) the place where Americans are most often arrested. Also desirable are any stories set in Third World countries and places where there is no US Embassy.

I’m also looking for a few anecdotes about being detained and intimidated into a bribe situation, which actually is something I could write about at great length from personal experience, but I’d like to hear others’ stories too.

I’m trying to crank this out in the next few days. If you’d like to help, please email me at the address below. Anonymity, if you so wish, is guaranteed. Thanks!
