Category Archives: Preeetty

Pacific Crest Trail – see it all in seven minutes [VIDEO]

  The Pacific Crest Trail is a stupefying 2,663 mile slog of punishing desert terrain, mountain climbs, rocky crags, vertigo-inducing ridges and unpredictable weather-related liveliness that makes the “grueling and demanding” Appalachian Trail seem like a mellow stroll. Seriously, it’s a beast. The Pacific Crest Trail starts at the U.S….

Fascinating London video simultaneously shows in 1927 and 2013

This London video is Grade A travel/history/urban geek porn. Simon Smith got his hands on cinematographer Claude Friese-Greene’s restored color film footage from his UK tour in the 1920s, notably swinging past London’s top sites, and set to work reshooting identical scenes in 2013 using “modern equivalents of his camera…

Norway’s new northern lights video highlight reel is mesmerizing

I’ve been to Norway eight times (Hello, my name is Leif!), but only once in winter which, I won’t sugarcoat it, kinda sucked. That said, if the idea of a shimmering, multi-colored light show the fills the whole sky has any appeal at all, this northern lights video might cause…

SFO nighttime timelapse video is captivating, because that’s timelapse for ya

If someone has shot a terrible timelapse video, I have yet to see it. They’re just great. All of them. Seriously. Owen Scharlotte proves this incontrovertible rule of the universe with a short video that manages the previously unthinkable trick of making San Francisco International Airport look absolutely mesmerizing. The…

Timelapse video of hot air balloon festival is gorgeous, mesmerizing

At this stage, it’s pretty clear that I’m a sucker for timelapse videos. Can you blame me when they do stuff like this? Albuquerque, New Mexico held its 42nd annual International Balloon Fiesta in October. The 9-day event is the largest hot air balloon festival in the world, this year…

You’ll want to visit China after watching this stirring timelapse video

China has never been high on my travel wish list for a variety of reasons I won’t bore you with. And being as inherently aesthetically pleasing as they are, I’m pretty sure that a timelapse video of a donkey’s butt would look great if done correctly. That said, W-O-W. This…

Hero juggles his way around Iceland in outstanding video

Words cannot express how much I love this video. It combines three of my greatest passions: travel, juggling and being awesome. “That Juggler Guy,” as he prefers to be called (I assume, because I couldn’t track down his real name anywhere), in addition to being a world traveler, owns a…

Gorgeous video captures life in Manaus, capital of the Amazon

Welcome to Manaus, Brazil, the capital of the state of Amazonas, located in the middle of the world’s largest rainforest, rendered below in a gorgeous timelapse video. Timelapse travel videos are a dime a dozen these days. It would be easy to become jaded and dismissive if they weren’t so…

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